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Who is placing your pediatric PICC's?


I am looking to get a general understanding how most facilities are approaching Pediatric PICC insertions (Outside of the NICU!).  Are the majority of pediatric PICC's, outside of the NICU, placed by Nursing Teams?  Or other personnel, possibly NP's placing them?

Thank you in advance for your hlep!


At Children's Mercy Hospital

At Children's Mercy Hospital in KC, we have a PICC Team of 9 RNs. The majority of the PICCs are inserted by this team. Our Interventional Radiology department continues to place PICCs as well.


Pediatric PICC insertions

Within Children's Hospitals & Clinics of MN, (2 facilities) we are a nurse led vascular access program and insert PICCs on patients 4 and over using either deep  or nitrous sedation. We pre-screen all insertions to first determine whether they can be safely sedated and appropriate for our "skill" level.  If there is a sedation deferral, Anesthesia &/or Interventional Radiology perform these insertions as well as for patients under the age of 4.  We have performed over 100 insertions in 13 months! The NICU does all their own insertions. 


Angela Lee
Our NICU does have a core

Our NICU does have a core group of staff nurses who place PICCs within the NICU.  If they have difficulty they call me ,which fortunately, is seldom.  I place PICCs throughout the rest of the facility (275 beds).  We do not have IR and practitioners do not place PICCs.  I'm averaging 50 to 60+ PICCs a month and I believe that is under-utilization but until I can fill my two vacant positons it is enough.

Angela Lee, RN, CRNI

Children's Health Systems

Birmingham, AL

We are a 600+ bed hospital.

We are a 600+ bed hospital. Our Picc team places pedatric piccs on all children once they have "graduated" from NICU. We consider pediatrics up to age 18 and all are done with moderate sedation in our pediatric sedation department. The sedation team (1 MD, 1RN) manage the sedation and we manage the picc. We frequently do not sedate for children older than 11 or so. Depends on the kid and where they are developmentally. We are looking into our success rate. It sure feels like our success rate for the under 18mo group is pittiful. Not sure if it is perception or reality. Still doing the data collection.  We do 5-10 pediatric placements a month and 150+ for adults.


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