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Theresa Stratton
Valves in PICCs

 Per INS we change the needless connectors when compromised, 96 hours and 24 hours etc. What about the valves in the lumens of PICCs?  i am wondering how gross these get after being in the patient for a while.  My friend in Arizona has removed some PICCs with valves, cut them open(carefully with gloves) and found some debri and that they are no longer sealed, or functional. 

What does this group think?


Are there any non-biases studies of valved piccs?

 2016 INS SOP states to

 2016 INS SOP states to change a needleless connector no more frequently than 96 hours. 

An integral valve built into the catheter is not considered in the same category as an add-on needleless connector. There are numerous but old studies on Groshong catheters and their tendency to clot. There are also some studies on the PASV in the catheter hub. I have not seen any studies on the Bard SoloPICC valve in the hub. Can't recall for sure but I don't think there is data on CRBSI in these studies. Lynn



Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

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