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Cindy McIlhinney
Using arm that has had a radial artery harvested

Does anyone have any documentation regarding when it is OK to use an arm for PIV once the radial artery has been harvested? I have several different opinions but I am looking for evidence based facts.

Thanks in advance for any information

Cindy McIlhinney RNC

Go to my website -
Go to my website -, click on Clinical Articles, then navigate to the list of Archived Articles. You will find this article Infusion Therapy In The Arm With Radial Artery Harvesting. This was published a few years ago in JAVA. I have not looked at recent studies but this will give you some basic information. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN,  CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

Cindy- I've searched for a


I've searched for a bit and didn't find anything either. Could you let me know if you come up with anything?

Here's how our CV surgeons do things. If a patient has a PIV in the hand that will have the radial harvested,pre-op and anesthesia might use it until the patient is out and they have the IJ and groin lines in. Then they D/C the PIV,mainly for reasons of sterility during the harvesting. Once the patient gets down to the ICU,they don't have a problem with PIV's on the harvest side from that point on.

Since the radial veins are taken with the artery,I can understand your CV surgeons' concerns--there are plenty of little collateral or "feeder" veins that get clipped during the harvest and so anything run in from a PIV could conceivably extravasate through the cut end of a vein.


Cindy McIlhinney
Thanks David I am looking

Thanks David

I am looking for safe practice recommendations for using the arm

after it has had a radial artery harvested and has compleatly healed.

I had 1 CV surgeon say 6 months, 1 say 1month, and 1 say never use the extremity for PIV placement.

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