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Jose Delp RN BSN
USG-PIVs and Emergency room technicians

Recently I was asked to begin training some of th eED techs to use ultrasound to place Ivs/ I am curious as to whether there are any of you out there who have ED techs performing this task or know of facilities that do? I of course have concerns about the supervision piece etc..

I am having a very difficult

I am having a very difficult time believing this is tin a tech's scope of practice. This is from the Indiana Nursing Assistant Scope of practice.
Role of the Nurse Aide in caring for IV/PICC
A. Observe and Report
1. Line found out or is removed by resident, or accidentally by staff when providing care
2. Blood present anywhere in the tubing
3. Tubing is disconnected
4. Complaint of pain
5. Fluid in bag is not observed dripping
6. Fluid in bag is nearly gone or finished
7. Pump is alarming
8. Site is swollen or discolored
9. Dressing is wet or soiled
B. Take special caution when moving or caring for resident – avoid pulling or catching of tubing
C. Never disconnect IV or PICC from pump
D. Never lower bag below IV/PICC site
E. Do not take blood pressure in arm with IV or PICC

I can not imagine this would vary much from state to state. I hope this helps. Valorie

Valorie Dunn,BSN, RN, CRNI, PLNC

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