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Upper extremity DVT in cancer patients with PICC lines

I am a vascular access nurse in a pediatric hospital.  We have noticed a significant rise in UEDVT in our cancer patients shortly after a PICC has been placed.  I am currently trying to research to see if there are any recommendations or alternatives that we can try with this population.  Does anyone have a suggestion of where to start or literature that can be reviewed.

Thank you.


There are a few articles on UEDVT in peds cancer patients but not much on how to reduce the risk.  We've tried decreasing the size of the catheter - had a lot of pushback when we proposed that idea but we kept up the pressure and now doctors understand - but the results are not stellar.  Kids with ALL and AML will have a high risk and the literature on prophylaxis isn't reassuring.  Another not so bright note- it doesn't really matter what kind of central line the child has, the risk is still high.  The difference between a PICC and a port or hickman is that the UEDVT will be symptomatic more frequently with a PICC.




S Gordon

IV Resources

Randall Childrens Hospital

S Gordon

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