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ultrasound guidance mandatory

Is your hospital considering making ultrasound guidance mandatory for every IV insertion ?

 That is a new twist that I

 That is a new twist that I have not heard before. US is not necessary for every patient in need of a short peirpheral catheter and will only drive up costs and delay therapy. There should be some type of decision tree that guides who does and does not need US for an SPC insertion. I have heard lots of discussion about the need for a completely sterile technique for insertion of SPCs though. That will radically change practice! Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

Lynn,  Interesting


 Interesting perspective about driving up costs and delay therapy. We're gathering data now and it appears that by using U/S for PIV insertion, overall, costs go down and time to treatment decreases as well. Formalizing the research and we'll have more to come !

Dave B

David Bruce RN

 Are you talking about US for

 Are you talking about US for every single PIV on every patient, every time, every unit and dept? This seems like overkill of a good thing if so. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

I'm not understanding this

I'm not understanding this position either. 

I believe technology should be available for all insertions but how about starting with Near Infrared first?  Plenty of evidence that it dramatically improves first time success rate. We should not just consider distal first but surface first as well.  Why pass up a readily accessible shallow vein to use ultrasound on a deeper one?

Are you suggesting putting all IVs in deep vessels?

I'd like to hear more details on this idea. 



Darilyn Cole, RN, CRNI, VA-BC
PICC Team Mercy General Hospital Sacramento, CA


future of ultrasound

It took ten years to get ultrasound to become mandatory on PICC lines so put that in perspective with PIV
In time it will be mandatory with PIV
It has now just started to become mandatory for placement of CICC by MD for Jugular and Femoral

Good medicine takes time. It is better medicine versus landmark insertion. We will see this in time.

There will be huge learning curve and I hope it will bring back the skilled team

However having said that I do not see ultrasound for very superficial veins in the hand. They will be forearm based. Especially as the BMI in the USA continues to increase yearly

Kathy Kokotis

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