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OFF TOPIC; 2 years into the field and just got my VABC certification.

I just want to say thank you for everyone who always answer my questions in this forum especially to Ms. Lynn. (My mentor mentioned that he met you once in a convention and I hope I can personally meet you too). Its been a long journey for me learning the ropes of being a vascular access nurse(and theres still so much more to learn and improve).  It all started 2 years ago when I saw an ER nurse do it to a hardstick patient, from there on I searched if there is particular job that start IVs on such patients and behold Vascular Access Nursing. I started as ER nurse in California and I never knew that this kind of field exsisted at all. I feel like the scope of practice of vascular access nurse here in CA are limited compared to the the nurses in another state (they can insert central lines, etc.) and I want to experience all of those as much as I can. I really love the field and I want to contribute in the future improvement of this practice. 

I am so happy that this year I got my certification from VACC, I am now interested to be an educator more like Ms. Lynn and I want to know what path should I take from here onwards. Will I benefit from CRNI certification? Any suggestion will be appreciated. 

Once again thank you everyone!

Huge Congratulations!! Well

Huge Congratulations!! Well done! There will always be lots to learn, even for me after 50 years. I would recommend you go for the CRNI to enhance your certifications. There is also another certification you might be interested in NPD - nursing professional development. This is from Association of Nursing Professional Development and their certification is managed through the ANCC. There are also masters in nursing with a specialty in nursing education or a masters in education focusing on adult education. Always room for lots of professioal growth. One day soon, maybe we can return to regular meetings and I can get a chance to meet you also. 

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN,  CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

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