I have a 57 yo male patient with a history of two kidney transplants. He was transferred to us from Montana, on Vancomycin for MRSA. He has a small peripheral catheter in his hand. I know that the dialysis folks would prefer that we never put a line in a vein that may someday be needed for dialysis. So what is the alternative? This guy had a PICC line placed at another facility two months ago, but it was removed February 20. I think that we would do him less harm with a PICC line than a number of small peripheral sites. Do you go to the IJ on these folks, or would he benefit from an implanted port?
I just want to know what the thinking is.
Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, CRNI
Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.
PO Box 10
Milner, GA 30257
Website http://www.hadawayassociates.com
Office Phone 770-358-7861
Nadine Nakazawa, RN, BS, VA-BC
Thanks so much for your help. They hadn't really pinned down what was ailing this guy when we got him. He had a history of MRSA, so they started him on Vanco pending the cultures. Turned out he had a pneumonia that was sensitive to Ciprofloxacin, so he got put on pills and we stopped hammering his veins with the Vanco.
Jerry Bartholomew RN, BSN, CRNI
VA Medical Center, Spokane, WA
Jerry Bartholomew RN, MSN, CRNI
VA Medical Center, Spokane, WA