Hi all!
  In the past I had asked if anyone had ideas for manageing those patients who ooze serosanguinous drainage from the PICC sites. These are patients who are quite edematous and have anasarca. No one had any useful ideas other than to tell me NOT to put a pressure dressing as this would increase the drainage. ( definately does!)
   I have not had the opportunity to try this but perhaps someone else will. and if so PLEASE POST if it is effective or not.
My idea was to use an calcium alginate type dressing to absorb the drainage. Wound care nurses will be able to help you find the product that your facility uses as there are many different brands and types.  But what you want to try is a material that is designed to absorb drainage and turn into a gel.
  I hope this is helpful to people and please let me know if it works to keep the dressings more dry and intact.