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Releasing PICCs for use

I've searched the archives and did not find an answer to this question.

Those of you who are qualified to verifiy and release your piccs, how are you doing so?  What is your process in terms of what is written on the orders?  Is everything written as a verbal order from the physician?

Thanks for your help.

Darilyn Cole, RN CRNI

Mercy General Hospital

Sacramento, CA 

I have never worked where
I have never worked where there was a need for a specific written order that it was OK to use any CVC. If the xray reveals that the catheter tip is properly located, that is all that is required. So if the tip was right, the IV nurse immediately began to use the catheter for infusion. And these IV nurses were assessing for tip location. I just don't understand the need for a physician order that it is ok to use. What does your risk manager say about this issue? Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

We have a sticker that must

We have a sticker that must be placed on the order/progress note sheet that must

be signed by the inserter(physician or PICC nurse)after the placement x-ray has been

viewed that has a line saying "tip placement in SVC verified by ______________MD/RN" and as soon as that is signed, the central catheter can be used.

  We do not need a separate order that says "o.k. to use".

T. Nauman RN, CRNI

we use a pre-printed
we use a pre-printed standing order for picc line protocol that covers the preinsertion lidocaine and the post insertion chest x-ray which states "following x-ray verification of tip in svc picc can be used."  we also order a heating pad for 72 hours post insertion. 
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