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Sandy Bremer
Radiology Techs accessing central lines

I have discovered that the CT, MRI, and Nuc. Med Techs at our facility have been accessing central lines without much education and no documentation of what they are doing. They are very willing to comply with changes in their practice as long as it does not cause delays in their procedures. What procedures/policies do other facilities follow? What are the standards for these situations?

Sandy Bremer, RN, BA

Manager, IV Therapy 

Paula Kolodny
I also found the same
I also found the same situation at my hospital and was very concerned about techs accessing and flushing central lines.  I found that they had no particular training about the different types of lines, flush protocols or even assessing patency!  None of the departments had competencies for the techs.  Following much discussion, the IR department's nurse is now in charge of supervising the techs.  She accesses and flushes the lines.  If she is unavailable the techs call the IV nurse.  I feel this is much safer for the patient as we all know central lines are getting more and more complicated.
ditto to Paula's comment. 
ditto to Paula's comment.  We have a lead RN in radiology who has been talking with the director of the dept about this.  I believe it was leading to demonstrated competencies by CT techs, but don't know what form that eventually took.
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