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Super Clinical Ninja
Positive Displacement - A good thing

I have always wondered how things are made. Spending the last few years trying to figure out the details behind "positive displacement" my findings are quite eye-opening.

Well folks, I have to tell you...positive displacement is the most beneficial feature of a needleless access device that you can possibly imagine. As a matter of fact, I am currently working with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) on changing the numerous documents that have mislead clinicians based on erroneous, clinically-insignifant studies, trying to prove that positive-displacement is a bad thing. After personally contacting hundreds of hospitals throughout the country, I have only encountered beneficial results when facilities changed from a split-septum a positive displacement connector.

I myself have been using a clear version of the positive displacement connector in my practice for the past few years, with a decrease in my bloostream infection rates to zero..not mentioning an overall reduction of occluded lines.

Please be careful with vendors who try telling you otherwise, they are simply trying to sell their product. Do you honestly think that a sales rep will ever portray their product as inferior to others? I don't think so! As far as neutral displacement/pressure...I often chuckle as some will even try defying the laws of physics by creating terms that are against all scientific and physical theories and practices.

More information is fourthcoming...