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picc nurses confirming tip placement

I am in the process of presenting this idea to my admin and Rads.  I would like to know how many other hospitals in Texas are already doing this.  I know of Seton and MD Anderson.

Thanks for any input

Libbi Mathews


I too am interested in this

I too am interested in this but I am calling out to anyone in California who has gone through this process.  Please, if anyone in California has accomplished this process or is working towards accomplishing it, I would appreciate any information that you could offer and I too will share any information that I come across as I continue to try to find out exactly what is the expected standard for California.  You may e-mail directly at [email protected]

Thanks in advance!

Patti Freeman

Lugenia Gibbs
We are in need of polcy and
We are in need of polcy and procedure for Nurse verification of line position.  If anyone is willing to share their info, please contact me at [email protected].
I will be doing this for PA
I will be doing this for PA if anyone has done it already here.  Please email me [email protected] thanks
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