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cheryl ferraro
cheryl ferraro's picture

Hi Forum,

I would like to know if anyone has noticed that the nexiva catheter causes leakage around the insertion site.  Especially with a certain patient population.  Geriatrics that have fragile, tissue paper skin which then includes COPDers. Patients that are on a heparin infusion. Any patient with a bleeding disorder and absulutely an IV in the AC which I toltally dont like especially when there are suitable veins elsewhere.  I think ERs just put them there period.  Anyhow I made a formal concern to BD about the design.  If you are using the BD nexiva catheter you should know about the little hard rigid piece where the catheter ends and where it bumps up against the insertion site. It actually makes it look like the catheter is not advanced all the way in.   Id like to know if anyone else has had this problem and if it causes you to change a site when except for the leak you wouldnt have to change especially now that the standards have changed.   Please reply to this email.  I should have put it in sooner because the vender is coming to see me today personally.


Thanks in advance for your comments


I have never seen so much leakage from IV catheters as I have from this particular brand. I have seen it in all types of patients in the adult population.  I do not recall seeing it with the ProtectIV or AngioCath. I do not know what the exact mechanism that is causing it and would love to find out. I appreciate you bringing this up.

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