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J tip use with ultrasound guided peripheral IV starts for adults

We currently use bacteriostatic saline pre venipunture for our ultrasound guided peripheral starts on adults. It seems to work very well for the deeper veins. Our pharmacy is wanting us to trial the J tip to replace the bacteriostatic saline. Is anyone using the J tip on deeper veins?  I am wondering how much depth of tissue would the J tip woulld penetrate to provide the numbing effect . I appreciate any input.


I would think the J-tip would be effective for deeper veins. Without any science behind my comment......from both personal and bedside experience, it seems that penetrating the skin is the most painful part of PVAD insertion.  When I was not using lidocaine, once the epidermis was  penetrated, patients usually denied pain (I asked) but reported pain with the venipuncture. Am now using  1% lidocaine intradermal. Pts report  pain as zero to one. The lido burns a bit.


Nancy Rose 

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