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IV Nurse Time/Function Averages?

HI- our nursing administration financial analyst has asked us to report on our IV nursing functions on a daily data sheet. The purpose is to assign a formula of # functions/day and assign a time to each function in order to assess if we can add more FTE's. Is there an "industry standard" that is accessible that assigns an average time (that should be spent) for: PIV insertion, PICC insertion, midline insertion, portacath access/deaccess, PICC remove, PICC weekly dressing change, declot/"troubleshoot" PIC, etc. We did a staff survey, but we are also being asked for any "published" comparisons. Any help? Thanks-Andy

 No such standards exists.

 No such standards exists. The 3rd edition of the INS textbook, Infusion Nursing-An Evidence Based Approach includes a chapter "Infusion Therapy Across the Continuum" that contains a discussion of infusion teams. It does not contain any information about data as you are requesting. I am involved with some efforts involving these issues and I have not found anything that would come close to what you are requesting. Sorry it is not available, although it should be. Time and motion data is what you are asking for but there are no industry standards or even any published data that I have found for successful benchmarking. Some hospitals may have done their own internal time and motion studies and be willing to share their data. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

Thanks Lynn. That was

Thanks Lynn. That was helpful. We'll see if anyone posts any links to their internal time and motion studies. Andy

You can find the "Infusion

You can find the "Infusion Therapy Team Implementaion Module" on the INS web site,  on page 62 they give an example of the time it takes for the things you are requesting. Its not a standard, but may help.

 Thanks for pointed this out.

 Thanks for pointed this out. I had forgotten about that book. It reports Nursing Time in 10 minute increments and one hour would equal 6 NT units. In looking at their list, I do have numerous questions about most of them. For instance, their numbers indicate a peripheral catheter insertion would be 1.4 NT or 14 minutes. A PICC evaluation is assigned 2 NT or 20 minutes. A PICC insertion is 6 NT or 1 hour. There is no explanation of what is included in this time assigned (assessment, education, collect of supplies, actual procedure, documentation, etc). They have calculated costs based on nursing salarys, but this was published in 2005. So this data is old. A more recent study by Roszell,, used 20 minutes of nursing time for PIV insertion and calcluated the total costs including labor, supplies, overhead, and markup to be $45. There is a great deal of work needed in this area. Lynn


Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

Time to place PICCs


I could agree with you more.  More work is needed for this area.  In our facility, I can spend 10 minutes looking for a table to set up my sterile field on and then clean it.  Even though I take it out of a "cleaned" room sometimes I get so much grime off of it.  I can spend 20 minutes or so just gathering what I need from the floor, under pads, blanket or pillow to put arm on.  Clean off the patients table for their arm.  Arrange the room, move the bed so as to have enough room to work and so on.  This is before I even start to assess the arm.

I like going to the patients room as many of them are much more comfortable there.  But extra time is involved.  I have tried to get the floors to dedicate a overbed table for our use but to no avail.  One floor did it for a while but then it "disappeared" even though it was clearly marked for "STERILE PROCEDURES ONLY".

Mary Penn RN


this is time and motion from literature


Appendix 1:  Professional Organizational Procedure/Labor Requirement

Infusion Nurses Society (INS)

(Terry 1995 pg 27/Alexander 2010 pg 129/Baldwin 1988 pg 310,311)




1995 Time


2010 Time


Facility Time


PIV Start


 20 minutes

15  minutes


PIV Start

Difficult/2 attempts

 45 minutes



PIV Restart


 20 minutes



PIV Restart

Difficult/2 attempts

 45 minutes



Long arm

Dressing not incl.

 60 minutes






32.5 minutes


PICC line insertion

Dressing not incl.

Assessment incl.

120 minutes



PICC line insertion

With ultrasound


90   minutes


PICC line insertion/assist





Reposition PICC





CVC assist


 45 minutes



X-ray verification/release





Site assessment



4.5  minutes


Site check


 10 minutes



CVC dressing change


 10 minutes

15   minutes


PIV dressing change


 10 minutes

5     minutes


Discontinue PIV


 10 minutes

4.5   minutes


Discontinue CVC


 10 minutes

10    minutes


Access implantable port


 30 minutes

17.5 minutes


Lab blood draws


 15 minutes

12    minutes



Tubing, alarms

   5 minutes



Fribrolytic treatment



22   minutes


Code blue


 30 minutes



Inservice/teaching time





Repair tunneled catheter



20 minutes


Data entry/record keeping

Total # prepared

  5 minutes



Blood product administer


 45 minutes



TPN administration


(Baldwin 1988 310)




Inventory control

Stocking shelves





IV Push


  5 minutes



Daily rounds

120 minutes

(Baldwin 1988 311)




Other (explain)












 Kathy's data does include

 Kathy's data does include the references for it. Please note that this is more than 20 years old. Has practice changed in any way that would alter these numbers? Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

you are right lynn

we need some new productivity numbers

This is all I can find that is published and it is twenty years old

I think that is a sad scenario

Kathy Kokotis RN BS MBA

Bard Access Systems

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