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Chris Cavanaugh
HPEN Webinar Sponsored by Oley Foundation for clinicans and patients

Awareness, Advocacy, and You

Join us for a webinar on August 4, 2015, at 1:00 PM EDT.

Register now!


Learn how to advocate for better policies for you and the HPEN community. Even if you don't want your identity or medical details shared, you can play an important role. Upcoming issues include how HPEN is covered by Medicare/Medicaid and whether HPN can be delivered across state lines. HPEN is an unknown therapy; as legislators and regulators consider policies and legislation that may impact HPEN consumers, they need to understand the HPEN consumer experience, what the therapy entails, and what consumers need from the health care system. Join noted health care attorneys Alan Parver and Leah Stone and the Oley Foundation to learn more about the issues that may impact you and your loved ones or patients--from legislation to FDA regulations to the Affordable Care Act--and how to make your voice heard, whether it's through correspondence or in person. Be ready to ask questions!

Alan Parver, Esq., serves as outside counsel for the National Home Infusion Association.


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