We have a patient with HIT among other things in the Hospital that has a Mediport. There is a great disagreement between the Physician, nurses and pharmacists about what to flush with and how often in patient and then what the flushing schedule should be upon discharge. Any thoughts on this any literature to address it?ÂThanksAnn Marie
Forum topic
Sun, 01/28/2007 - 15:57
HIT and Mediport flushing
There was a recent article in JIN on Agatroban.
We had a patient like that at my hospital and they locked the line with Cathflo...no idea why they chose that, but it worked fine.
Nina Elledge, RN, CRNI
[email protected]
Nina Elledge, RN, MBA, CRNI
[email protected]
Kathy Kokotis
Bard Access Systems