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Melanie Cates
Heparin free flushing protocols

Do you use a Heparin free protocol for all your CVADs including port-a-caths and what frequency do you flush your CVADs if you are only using saline?


Melanie Cates

Nursing Practice Leader

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

Ann Williams RN CRNI
I am a hospital based Home

I am a hospital based Home Infusion Specialist.  We have been heparin free for years, with only a rare exception.  For intermittent infusions we flush with 10ml NaCL before and after each dose in all CVLs.  For any unused lumens, or a line maintenance only, we flush with the same volume weekly.  (Ports of course we follow the routine maintenance protocal of 10ml saline followed by 5ml heparin monthly when not in use.)  With blood draws from any CVL we flush with 20ml NaCl before and after blood draw.

Hope this helps!

Ann Williams RN CRNI

Infusion Specialist

Deaconess Home Infusion

Evansville, IN

Melanie Cates
Thanks Ann

Thanks Ann

 I would strongly encourage

 I would strongly encourage you to closely follow VAD outcomes especially catheter occlusion. There is now 3 studies comparing heparin to saline for CVAD locking showing equiivalent outcomes. I am still not convinced that saline alone is the acceptable solution for CVADs due to the high cost of tPA and/or CVAD replacement. You could follow the quantify of tPA used for clearance to see if this procedure increases. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN,  CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

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