The DFA for Power PICCs state that they should be flushed with heparin flush after use.  We've also been told that a positive or neutral displacement cap eliminates, or greatly reduces the need for heparin flushes for Power PICCs. We are trying to get away from heparin flushes (d/t HIT). Please share what you know about heparin flushes and Power PICCs.  Thank you,Mari
Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, CRNI
Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.
PO Box 10
Milner, GA 30257
Office Phone 770-358-7861
Mari Cordes, BS RNIII VA-BC
Vascular Access Department
University of Vermont Medical Center
Even with the positive displacement caps, we're getting plugged Power PICCs. I'm assuming that part of this is incorrect flushing/clamping tecnnique, and we're doing as much education reinforcement as possible. This may take a while to adjust.
In the meantime, what difference does syringe design make? We use either 12ml Kendall monoject luer lock, or 10ml 0.9% NaCl prefilled monoject Advanced (doesn't state luer lock, but appears to be).
Mari Cordes
Mari Cordes, BS RNIII VA-BC
Vascular Access Department
University of Vermont Medical Center