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Craig Nicholson
Help needed for new Vascular Access Team

Hi Everyone,

I have a team here in PA that just recieved approval for it's FTE's to start up a team from scratch.  They have a few concerns. The first being Peripherals, I was hoping to see how everyone else has been handling tracking restarts and assuring they're done every 72hrs.  Currently, starts are not being documented properly in the computer system.  They're looking for any suggestions, ie log books, ect.

Also, they're looking for suggestions on "marketing" their team.  If anyone has anything that worked well for them, they'd love to hear about it.

Finally, they're looking to get an early assessment program in place.  If anyone has any tools, tip, ect they'd love to hear about those as well.


Thanks Everyone!



 We did a major education

 We did a major education process regarding documentation in the computer screens when we were launching them  for use. Documentation is still bad at times but..... We get a report everyl morning and evening with patient location, age, diagnosis, isolation status, admission date acct# etc as well as IV sites, gauges, dates of insertion. This report also gives us central line dressing change documentation. Not perfect but at least we know who is where and if something is not documented we go look at the patient and enter as much data as we can. From these sheets we derive our workload for the day.

Marketing the team has been done wonderfully through a newletter we use for education of staff and showing off our accomplishments.

Jose Delp RN BSN

Clinical coordinator IV Team

Upper Chesapeake Health

Jose Delp RN BSN

CliClinical Nurse Manager IV Team

Upper Chesapeake Health

Craig Nicholson
Jose, I appreciate your


I appreciate your feedback.  I'll pass it along to the team!



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