Is anyone familiar with the Maxzero needleless connector? Our in-patient facilities are converting to this connector and I am interested to hear about your experiences with this connector if you are using it.
I am the Infusion Specialist for a Home Infusion company. We switched to the MaxZero last year and had incredible results!! Our results were so great that I presented a poster at INS on it. I learned about it from a friend who worked on the Inpatient side. We were having problems with increasing numbers of occlusions. When we switched to the MaxZero we noticed a 48% reduction in Cathflo use, and a 52% reduction in nursing visits. We conservatively estimate an annualized cost savings of $21,405 as the result fo the conversion to MaxZero. Data on both NC's were collected over 8 mos each. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected]. Would love to hear what you decide and how it works for you!!
I am the Infusion Specialist for a Home Infusion company. We switched to the MaxZero last year and had incredible results!! Our results were so great that I presented a poster at INS on it. I learned about it from a friend who worked on the Inpatient side. We were having problems with increasing numbers of occlusions. When we switched to the MaxZero we noticed a 48% reduction in Cathflo use, and a 52% reduction in nursing visits. We conservatively estimate an annualized cost savings of $21,405 as the result fo the conversion to MaxZero. Data on both NC's were collected over 8 mos each. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected]. Would love to hear what you decide and how it works for you!!
Thank you so much for the information.