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Coagulation phlebotomy

A patient with Heparin drip via PIV and phlebotoy draw on same arm. Oposite arm is restricted. 

Is there an evidence based decision on how long should the Heparin drip be paused before phlebotomy draws above the infusing site?

Does the same apply if drawing below the infusing site?

Thank you


No published studies at this

No published studies at this level of detail that I have ever seen. Above the infusing heparin would be greater risk of skewed lab data than from below. But no information to guide details of practice. Make full assessment. Choose site with the least risk of including heparin. Assess results for accuracy, eg continuity with previous labs, wildly different, etc. 

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

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