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Cath Lab Heparin standardization -expertise requested :)

Since this is a vascular access forum and there are so many experts out there, I am asking for your help.  I have been asked to research information for Heparin standardization in the Cath lab for intravascular procedures. Currently they are using different concentrations of Heparin- such as for the basin they put the catheters & wires in for later use, and then for flushing during the procedure, etc. Some of course use a certain concentration because “That’s the way it’s always been done!” They are currently mixing their own Heparin/Saline bags for these procedures which requires two nurses for verification whereas if standardized, they could possibly come pre-mixed in the pharmacy for cost consideration. The ultimate goal is to standardize the concentration of Heparin used in all their procedures.

We are interested in finding out others protocol in similar situations as well as the evidence based articles or research that led to your policy or protocol.  Thank you for your valued input!