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Bedside PICC placement pediatric population

Would appreciate any input regarding bedside PICC placment.  Do you find your hospital trending away from the bedside and more to procedure rooms due to the Central line blood born initiative?  I am especially interested in the pediatric population but please welcome any and all comments.

For many years, peds patients

For many years, peds patients have been taken to a treatment room for insertion of all catheters including short peripheral. The reason is not reducing BSI. The reason is the patient's room and bed should be a "safe" place to the child. So procedures are performed in the treatment room. Also other things such as papoose boards for restraint would be kept in this room. The parents may or may not be in the treatment room or they may choose to stay in the patient room - the nurse can give them the choice or after assessment think they would hinder rather than help, they may be encouraged to wait in the patient room. I am sure the peds nurses will have much more to add to this. Hope Angela Lee is out there. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

Angela Lee
Lynn is correct in regard to

Lynn is correct in regard to the reasoning for the use of the treatment  (or procedure) room.  In addition, it provides easy access to supplies and, I believe, gives the proceduralist more control over the situation.  These rooms are not necessarily any "cleaner" than the patient room (sometimes that might be debatable) but it is easier to deal with family traffic and to some extent easier to maintain sterility.  Our treatment rooms also require a code to enter.

I find it discouraging that I still see a lot of procedures done on young patients in their rooms.  I think this sets the stage for a more difficult situation but that's probably another topic.   Older patients do have their PICCs placed at the bedside and we emphasize the importance of sterility and the need to reduce the number of folks in the room.  Ususally not a problem.  Every situation is  evaluated independently.  

Patients requiring sedation are always done in our sedation rooms and completely without any family present once the child is asleep.

holly hess
At our pediatric facility, we

At our pediatric facility, we do not place the PICC at the bedside unless the patient's condition requires it. We have treatment rooms on each floor and also a procedure room with access to fluoro and sedation if needed.

Holly Hess

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