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BBraun Introcan Safety 3 catheter

 Has anyone started using these new catheters and if so, what are the results?

BBraun Introcan Safety 3

Our IV Team is currently trialing the Introcan 3.  Good concept with the blood control.  Some patients are complaining about increased pain with insertion (previously used Insyte autoguard).  Anyone having issues with increased leaking at insertion site?  Any increase in phlebitis...? Made of polyurethane.  Haven't made the switch yet.  Any info anyone can provide will be helpful.

 Based on published studies

 Based on published studies with other polyurethane peripheral catheters, this material softens from body heat and is known to cause lower rates of complications such as phlebitis. I would be surprised if you found higher rates with this brand. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

 We have been using this

 We have been using this catheter for two months.  There have been several problems.  Many times the stylet drips blood after removal and blood has dripped from the catheter hubas well.  The hub itself is bulky and not easy to dress.  The most problematic feature is the angle the catheter must maintain once it's inserted.  It sticks up off the surface of the patient's skin and has to stay that way.  You cannot tape down the extension tubing thus, patients are always catching it on things. We have had numerous complaints from staff as well as patients. 

Having similar concerns 

Having similar concerns  Would you contact me at [email protected] regarding your experience.

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