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Trish Hayes
Assessing for Upper Extremity DVT


Can anyone point me to literature that outlines where/how to measure the circumference of an upper extremity with a PICC line in place? I have been told that you measure up 10cm from the antecubital space, but I can't find any literature to support this.

Thanks for your help!


Trish Hayes, BSN, RN

RN Educator

 You probably can't find it

 You probably can't find it because such a measurement is not in the literature. Routine, repeated measurement of mid-arm circumference was removed from the Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice and is no longer required because there was a lack of evidence supporting this practice. Here is the definition from the Standards

Mid-Arm Circumference. Measurement of the upper arm at a predetermined distance above the insertion of a peripherally inserted central catheter or midline catheter. 



A baseline measurement is a good idea but it does not specify where this measurement should be taken. The length of each patient's arm will vary so a specific measurement as you have suggested would not work for everyone. If there is a problem that develops, you can compare the measurement to what was measured before insertion. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

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