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Arterial Line Tubing and Dressing Changes

Does anyone have information about changing tubing for arterial lines? I am aware of a facility that changes arterial line pressure tubing every 4 days. The tubing is changed down to the hub of the art line. The tubing is set up without the use of sterile or in most cases, clean gloves. The tubing is connected to the sterile art line and is covered with a transparent dressing for 4 days. If the end of the tubing was touched with bare hands or hands with only clean gloves, is this considered potential contamination of the site which can result in a potential blood stream infection?

Artie Hansford, BSN, CRNI, VA-BC

 Addressed in the INS SOP,

 Addressed in the INS SOP, page S85, supported by a systematic lit review with a ranking of II, change every 96 hours. Details of sterile technique are not described. Sounds like this hospital is being very cautious but that is a good thing, IMHO. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

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