I recentlty received information about the Smith & Nephew Acticoat silver-coated antimirobial barrier for PICC/CVC sites. Has anyone heard of this or is anyone using it ? If so what to you think of it. Does anyone know how it compares to the Biopatch?
You should expect the manufacturer to supply studies to support their information. Many times this begins with in vitro studies and progresses to clinical studies after the product has been in use for some time.
There are many types of silver, with many different characteristics and levels of effectiveness. I have not seen any clinical studies of outcomes with silver dressings and certainly no published studies comparing silver to CHG dressing such as Biopatch. I would be very interested to know if someone else has such a study.
Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, BC, CRNI
Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, CRNI
Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.
PO Box 10
Milner, GA 30257
Website http://www.hadawayassociates.com
Office Phone 770-358-7861
I have a pamphlet that was given to me from the Tri-State Centurion rep with a study between silver dressings and CHG dressings. The rep that gave this to me was Ashley P. Burnett out of Georgia. You can contact her @ 770-952-3338. The website for Tri State is www.tshsc.com
I hope this information helps.
Beth George, CRNI, VA-BC
Nurse Clinician/Vascular Access
UAB Medicine
Birmingham, AL
Was this a study published in a peer-reviewed journal or an in vitro study performed in a lab with the results published only in a piece of sales literature? Both are valuable pieces of information, but obviously a study published by a third party journal will carry more weight.
Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, BC, CRNI
Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, CRNI
Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.
PO Box 10
Milner, GA 30257
Website http://www.hadawayassociates.com
Office Phone 770-358-7861
Hi Lynn,
It is actually an in vitro study performed in a lab. It is a piece of sales literature. Good point you brought up. I just remembered I had that stored away in a file when I saw the post. I don't have any journal based information at this time.
Beth George, CRNI, VA-BC
Nurse Clinician/Vascular Access
UAB Medicine
Birmingham, AL
Hi Lynn,
Below is a link from the BIOPATCH Web site (www.stopcrbsi.com) that illustrates the relevant differences between BIOPATCH Protective Disk and several of the silver dressings that are still being marketed outside of the wound care arena: