We have a checklist that we check off for the steps in the "time out" process . In the section related to site/side verification I have putting non applicable. The reason I put this is because first; the extremity chosen doesnt make it correct or incorrect regarding procedure verification as say a right oopherectomy would. If i put in a picc line in a left arm or a right arm it is still a picc line and still the correct procedure. ( i know the whole thing about selecting appropriate vessels, sizes, and issues with specifically selecting the best extremity to use to decrease complications or specifici to pt situations ) I also wouldnt think even marking the pre planned vein would be needed or used in site verification; the vessel may not be able to be cannulated or we may not be able to thread the picc line in or something.
I am not arguing any point of doing a time out, I am just wondering if we need to be even involving the site/side aspect of it in regards to insertion of a picc line. I guess it is just like a pacemaker, may start out at left side and then move to right to put it in and it doesnt make it 'wrong site or side used".
How are all of you dealing with this? Once again, please dont confuse this question with me questioning the importance of site selection in regards to the clinincal aspect of inserting a picc line. I am only wondering about fully utilizing all aspects of a time out prior to a picc line insertion.
Thanks in advance, Gina Ward R.N., CPAN
The "Time Out" document we use has many non-applicable statements
References to Blood Transfusions and Antibiotics for example
We just put N/A over the sections that do not apply to PICC insertion
Robbin George RN Vascular Access Resource Dept Alexandria Hospital Virginia
Robbin George RN VA-BC
So, does this mean you put NA as I do? Thanks, Gina
Gina Ward R.N., VA-BC
We just checked this out and were told the only time we have to mark a site is IF the MD order states Place PICC in the right or left arm...then you would have to mark it and verify it..otherewise we just put exempt
You are correct that you do not have to mark a side. You don't even know which arm you will use until you assess the patient (unless specifically ordered by the physciian).
We mark "exempt".
Darilyn Cole, CRNI
Darilyn Cole, RN, CRNI, VA-BC
PICC Team Mercy General Hospital Sacramento, CA
I do the same. Non-applicable.
We also write N/A for correct side.
We may mark the site, but if asked if we mark the site it is for measurement only.
We write in upper arm. We don't specify right or left because that is unknown until the patient's veins are assessed.
we don't mark the site either and place N/A on the checklist
We do not use the hospital's "Time-out" checklist for PICC placement or physician placed CVC's. We have a seperate "Central Line" checklist which incorporates all the necessary parts of the "Time-out" and the component's of Peter Provonost's "Central Line" checklist (and leaves out the items that are irrelevant to vascular access).
Richard Simpson RN, CCRN
[email protected]
Richard Simpson RN, CCRN
Would you mind sharing you Central Line Checklist with me? We are using the same time-out sheet used in OR, and a lot of it does not apply to us. We have to state which arm we will be using, and if we're unsuccessful and have to go to the other arm, we have to get another sheet signed. Thank you!
Bobbi Martin, RN
Archbold Medical Center, Thomasville, GA
[email protected]
We also simply write n/a on those fields. Our form is a combo-type form that includes procedureal sedation audit and universal protocol. We do this because we are also the sedation nurses. It is easier to have one form and simply cross off things like ASA score and pre-anesthesia assessment when we are only doing a picc.
I think it is better to write n/a because it shows you actually read the form and did what applied to your situation.....not just checking a bunch of boxes.
PLEASE share your checklist document with the IV-therapy.net community
by posting it in the documents Link of this web site
Thank You
Robbin George RN Vascular Access Resource Dept Alexandria Hospital Virginia
Robbin George RN VA-BC
I confess I don't know how to post a document here. If you send me your email address I would be glad to share.
Richard Simpson
[email protected]
Richard Simpson RN, CCRN