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Robbin George
Pediatric Power rated PICC
Are there any 3FR (or smaller) Power Rated PICCs on the market?--If so can you please be specific as to Brand--Thanks in Advance for the information
Mike Brazunas
Robbin,   Angiodynamics



Angiodynamics makes a 3fr CT injectable PICC.  It comes in 3 different configurations, Catheter only, MS Kit, and Bedside kit.   Feel free to contact me at [email protected] for more information.  We are very proud to have the 3 french and need to spread the word to the Pediatric PICC RNs out there. 


Mike Brazunas RN


The only issue with the

The only issue with the Angiodynamics 3 French Power  Picc is that the IFU states it is indicated for 0.5cc/sec.  Even in the Pediatric population the lowest CT scan through a Power injector is somewhere around 1.5cc/sec.  Therefore it will never be used for a CT scan.  To clarify, they can set a CT machine all the way down to 0.5cc/sec, but will never do so because it is to slow for the contrast to enhance the image.  In addition with hand injections you can reach over 0.5cc/sec, and there is no way to measure (with just a syringe) what pressure you are at when hand injecting.  What if a nurse or CT tech doesn't know that the rating is only 0.5cc/sec  and just assumes it is 5cc/sec like other piccs and blows up the picc.  That really scares me with kids.  

Mike Brazunas
Yes the the 3fr Morpheus

Yes the the 3fr Morpheus PICC is rated at 0.5ml/sec.  I have facilities using it at this speed who are happy to hook it up to the power injector.  You still set the injector at 300 psi and use it.   The average static (completely occluded) burst pressure is 311psi, higher than most larger power injecable PICCs.  E.G. Bard's 5fr DL powere PICC average = 225psi.  Morpheus Fr DL = 217psi.  Hand injecting, wich may be prefered, if safe with the appropriate sized syringe.  


 Mike Brazunas RN



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