There are some great photos from the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Here is the reference:
Schulmeister, L., and D. Camp-Sorrell. Chemotherapy Extravasation From Implanted Ports, Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol. 27, No. 3, April 2000, pp. 531-540.
Great article. Write to CJON for permission to copy and use those photos.
Nadine Nakazawa, RN
PICC Nurse, Stanford Hospital
Nadine Nakazawa, RN, BS, VA-BC
There are some great photos from the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. Here is the reference:
Schulmeister, L., and D. Camp-Sorrell. Chemotherapy Extravasation From Implanted Ports, Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol. 27, No. 3, April 2000, pp. 531-540.
Great article. Write to CJON for permission to copy and use those photos.
Nadine Nakazawa, RN
PICC Nurse, Stanford Hospital
Nadine Nakazawa, RN, BS, VA-BC