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Placenta Previa patients

We are trying to develop protocols for various patients.  We are presenting to the OB dept. and we are wondering if anyone has any protocols for placing PICC's or midlines on placenta previa patients that need to stay in the hospital for long durations?  We are feeling that it may be more beneficial to these patients to have a PICC or midline placed (depending on how far along they are and how many weeks they have to go) rather that having to start PIV's over and over and frequent lab draws also.  Would anyone please share any insight they have or any protocols they may have already developed?


Thank you--Cheryl and Kathy  Meriter Hospital MadisonWI

Robbin George
We encourage this practice

We encourage this practice and our OB nurses advocate for PICC placement at every opportunity including hyperemesis home care and complicated pregnancies that require extended hospitalization

Robbin George RN VA-BC

Robbin-  What hospital are


 What hospital are you at?  Do you have protocols in place?


The expereince that iIhave

The expereince that iIhave at a large teaching unveirsty hospital was to place PICC's in these patients.  Our first thought was to place a dual lumen, just in case.  But due to the hypercoagulability of this popultion, it didn't take us long to decide to place a 4F single lumen.  This allows the pt. access and if the worst happens, they have immediate access for the initial fluid recusitation before placement of a triple lumen.

Cheryl Kelley RN BSN, VA-BC

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