I have a patient that just got readmitted, for TPN therapy. She has a PICC line that we have inserted last year, now has 500 catheter days, with good blood return and without any signs of infection.
Is it necessary to remove or replace the line with a new catheter? I try to get in touch with our PICC Cath Rep, although, I believe the manufacturer's recommendation is good only for one year. Any similar experience and interventions?
Thank you.
The sales rep cannot answser your question. The INS Standards can provide an answer, which is leave it alone until there is a clinical reason to remove it. there are NO recommendations or guidelines for a time limit on ANY VAD. End of therapy and other valid clinical reasons are what drives removal.
Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI
Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.
PO Box 10
Milner, GA 30257
Website http://www.hadawayassociates.com
Office Phone 770-358-7861