I don't have that Holly but I have a question for you - are pediatric dressings generally managed like adult dressings? A NICU asked for published information on frequency of dressing changes, they currently change q3d. I KNOW that ain't right!
Jill, NANN guidelines I believe say they can be changed PRN, but if we have a Biopatch at the site, which we almost always do, we make it a 7 day. More frequent would be ill-advised, since dressing disruption is actually associated with increased risk, both infection as well as other complications.
I don't have that Holly but I have a question for you - are pediatric dressings generally managed like adult dressings? A NICU asked for published information on frequency of dressing changes, they currently change q3d. I KNOW that ain't right!
Jill, NANN guidelines I believe say they can be changed PRN, but if we have a Biopatch at the site, which we almost always do, we make it a 7 day. More frequent would be ill-advised, since dressing disruption is actually associated with increased risk, both infection as well as other complications.
Thank Holly!