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Alma Kooistra
Swabbing of hubs

We continue to battle the beast of cursory swipes with alcohol swabs prior to connection with venous access devices.  We'd like to write a minimum 3 second (?) spent cleansing the hub into our policy.  It seems to me there was a publication that mentioned this time frame......can anyone point me in that direction?


Alma K. 

Sorry Alma, but I have never
Sorry Alma, but I have never found anything that is actually based in real science. I have heard Dr. Maki recommend 10 -15 seconds but again no research on this that I have ever soon. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

ISMP on July 27 published an

ISMP on July 27 published an article on this very thing.  The address is:



Gwen Irwin
Has anyone heard of the

Has anyone heard of the study done at Sharp Memorial in San Diego about 70% alcohol friction for 15 seconds being published?  Would love to see it.

Sarah, saw it  mentioned on a IV Therapy Tip of the Times from OHSU! 


Gwen Irwin

Kristin Walker
That was a very good
That was a very good article!  Anybody have ideas of what to use as a sterile cap other than taking the top off the pre-filled NS syringe and using that?

Kristin Walker RN, BSN, OCN Maui Memorial Medical Center IV dept.

Gwen Irwin
Kristin, Where was the


Where was the article published?  I would love to read it.  Please let me know!

 About the sterile caps, there area male/female caps availabe in a package that are available.  We use those to prevent the nurse from using the end cap of the pre-filled syringes.  I will try to determine the manufacturer and the item number for you.  I don't think they are very expensive at all.  I will try to provide the cost to us also.

Gwen Irwin

Austin, Texas

Our company says 10 -15

Our company says 10 -15 seconds using friction to swab - I believe the SAVE THAT LINE Campaign uses that number.

INS standards say to recap with a sterile end can - you should never recap with a cap from a syringe, etc could be contaminted, fall off, etc

You can buy male end caps as well as female/male end caps packaged together.

Ann Marie

Ann Marie Parry, RN, CRNI, VA-BC

[email protected]

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