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Gina Ward

We recently had our Corporate executives come and do a 3 day walkthrough, survey. HCA based facility.

They reviewed our PICC line process and the fact that we obtain the consent for the procedure. We , as per the INS guidelines , as the inserter have educated and then obtained the consents for the PICC line.

The surveyors said , only a physician can obtain consent in Florida. I have asked my Quality department to show me this statute that they are referencing, but they have not. I have no working knowledge of how to obtain or view this data. they are requiring the physician to educate and inform prior to us obtaining or should we say " witnessing" the consent. This will certainly prove to be problematic since many times the order for PICC line is obtained via telephone order . Plus.....we know most doctors will not adequately or accurately give the risks, benefits and alternatives.

I appreciate any info on Florida Statute regarding this info, as well as how others in Florida are dealing with this situation.

Gina Ward R.N., VA-BC

Asystole RN
Florida Medical Consent Law

Florida Medical Consent Law
Title XLV, Chapter 766, 766.103
From my understanding, this statute states that an LIP cannot be compensated for care provided without consent...not that they are the only ones who can obtain consent.

I am not a lawyer nor is this legal advise but as I understand it, all medical procedures require consent from the patient. "Informed consent" is not a piece of paper that someone signs, it is a legal status that basically the person knows the risks and alternative and is able and willing to consent to the procedure. There are legal definitions and requirements as to what is considered "informed" and what constitutes "consent."

I would look to your facility P&P and legal council. Not all facilities require PICC insertion to follow the more formal "informed consent" procedure we all know and love, some consider it a part of the general consent to treat which the patient generally signs upon admission. Many of the risks including CRBSI, DVT, arterial puncture, etc are identical for PIV as they are with you follow the formal "informed consent" procedure for PIV insertion?

Asystole RN, BSN, CRNI, VA-BC

Vascular Access Nurse, Infusion Nurse

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