Our Vascular Access Nurses have been asked to help with placing difficult arterial lines by using ultrasound. Many have assisted the CRNA, and have gone so far as actually inserting them. I want to make this part of our practice. Would like to know how many teams or RN's are actually placing arterial lines? Need to present this proposal to our Critical Care Committee.
Thank you
Hi Terry
I am happy to hear your teams interest in arterial cannulation with use of ultrasound. There are several teams that currently place arterials as part of their vascular access service. A couple key contacts would be Sophie Harnage from Sutter Roseville in California she has a team of around 20 that provide a 24 hour service that includes arterial catheters also from the east coast Jim Bryant from Chesapeke in Virginia. In addition Chuck Ramirez at Banner Health has been running his service which is RT based practicing with a no blind stick approach to arterials since 2005 including all punctures even ABGs. In addition there has been a buisness tool put together to assist with policy and procedure on the following website. www.vascularacademy.com
Regards Amy
Amy Bardin
So happy to get your reply! Just heard from Michael Drafz my Arrow rep, he gave me the same name from Roseville. I was beginning to worry I was going down this path alone. Trying to push for no blind sticks here. Our RT staff is great and looking forward to training as well, and the RT manager is ready to learn to place PICC lines. Great information! Are you Amy from AVA? Most famous RT? Ha! I told my RT manager of you and she was pretty impressed. Great gal and think your going to be her new role model:)
Thank you so much!
Hoping to initiate IJ's with the G4 VPS next.
Terry Fisher, RN, BSN, VA-BC
Hi Terry
Yes I am Amy from AVA :) please share my contact info with your RT manager too. Let me know if I can assist you with any additional resources.
[email protected]
Amy Bardin
Hi Terry,
I place art lines. We have a standard procedure that allows this practice for qualified RN's.
Please feel free to contact me if you'd like further information. [email protected]
Thank you Judy and Amy! Our team just received approval from the Critical Care Committee to procede with placing arterial lines. I now need to write the policy. If anyone would like to share their policy with me I would appreciate it.
Thank you, Terry
What state are you in? I am in Texas and am trying to get more info.
Hi Terry - Congrats!
I'd be happy to send you my policy and SP. Please contact me at [email protected]
Congratulations on expanding your practice to other devices! I have begun to place art-lines and CVCs as well. It’s been a long road but well worth it! I am happy to help in any way as well.
[email protected]