I am completing my Masters project and am looking for a vascular access tool that can be used on admission. Have an algorithm and would like a tool to use. Would appreciate anyone that would be able to send me one or advise me further on where to find one. Need the author of the tool also to obtain permission to use it.
Thank you in advance
Carol Busch BSN VA-BC
Teleflex has great tools for early assessment in their Right line, Right Patient, Right time program. Hope this helps
Cheryl E. Aldo, RN, BS VA-BC
Thank you
Carol Busch RN,VA-BC, CPUI
PICC/Vascular Access Nurse
Look in the gallery on this site for a Device Selection Algorithm. This is what we use in our hospital. Also, I contributed a vascular access risk assessment tool on the AVA Resource Guide for Adult Peripheral IVs. This is just like the Braden Scale but for vascular access. I can send it to you privately if you like. I would like to stay tuned to your project if at all possible. Thanks.
Angelo M. Aguila, MSN, RN, VA-BC
Vascular Access Nurse
[email protected]
Could you please send me the tool that you created? I would also need your written permission to use it in our research project.
My email address is [email protected]
Thank you
Carol Busch BSN, RN, VA-BC, PCUI
Carol Busch RN,VA-BC, CPUI
PICC/Vascular Access Nurse