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Success rates of RN placed PICCs

Does anyone have references as to an 'accepted' success rate for RN placed PICC lines?

I searched the forum, but didn't seem to find anything. I apologize in advance if this is an old topic.

Thank you.


If I recall correctly,Kathy

If I recall correctly,Kathy K noted 98% success rates in this article:

2. David,J, Kokotis,K. A new perspective for PICC line insertions: Cost effectiveness associated with an independent PICC service. Journal of the Association of Vascular Access Vol 9,No. 2 June 2004 (93-98)

In this one,rates are 93-95%:

Hornsby,S,Matter,K, Beets,B, Casey,S,Kokotis,K. Cost losses associated with the "PICC,stick and run team" concept. Journal of Intravenous Nursing Vol 28(1),Jan/Feb 2005 (45-53)

I have other personal correspondences that cite rates that vary from 80-some to essentially 100%,with a mean of about 95%. I don't think that there is an "accepted"  minimum published anywhere. With a thorough didactic course and sufficient supervised training a nurse using US and MST should be able to function at at least  (IMHO) a 95% success rate. There are plenty of programs that acheive this.

anna liang
Gwen Irwin
This is not an annual

This is not an annual success rate, but we had an exceptional & recording setting for the number of PICCs during the month of May 2007.

The success rates were 97%, 98%, 100%, 100%, 100%.

Gwen Irwin

Austin, Texas

Gwen Irwin
Sorry, I didn't mean for

Sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound like bragging, but it did.  I am so proud of the people that work with me that I sent that success rate, AND didn't address the question "references as to an 'accepted' success rate".  However, in the internal email about the success rate to our network of hospitals, I did brag and did mention that we are from Texas, so bragging is OK.........OOPS!  I am red-faced now that it sounded like bragging to you!  Please forgive me.

Gwen Irwin

Gwen: thanks for the reply.


thanks for the reply. I would brag too if I had numbers like that.

thanks to everyone for their replies. We're doing over 90% success rate, which I think is acceptable, considering a lot of these people are really sick.

Bud Lavin, RN, CEN

Manager - PICC Team

St. Mary's Hospital

Passaic NJ


Bud Lavin, RN, CEN

Manager - PICC Team

St. Mary's Hospital

Passaic NJ


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