I have been asked to research policies and procedures concerning the use of Sono-guided peripheral IV placement. We are usually asked to assist in difficult IV placement for imaging studies. In the past, this has not gone well. I have seen at various sites and references that the length of the cannula used as well as the removal of the cannula after the study are points to be considered. These are in patients who are not really candidates for centrakl lines or PICC lines since they are typically not recieving long term IV therapy, i.e., discharged after the study is completed.
Pat Murphy, Northern Virginia
Pat, I have some policies I could email to you if you'll let me know your address.
MidMichigan Medical Center
Ann Armstrong, RN
PICC Lines
MidMichigan Medical Center, Midland
Please, I would love to see those. [email protected]
Pat, Northern Virginia INOVA Health Systems
Any information would help. I can't see reinventing the wheel and AVA is the professional source for evidenced based practice.
I am in Northern Virginia, [email protected]. I am Cardio Invascive Specialties Clinical Coordinator at INOVA Heart & Vascular Institute, Loudoun Campus, INOVA Loudoun Hospital, Suite 120, 44035 Riverside Parkway, Leesburg, Virginia, 20176, Off. 703-858-8626, Fax 703-858-8670.
Thanks a million,
I am speaking on this subject in a short breakout session at the upcoming AVA conference. I can send you my latest ppt, policy, competency, and example videos if that would help. I have been teaching this skill to RNs in a classroom format for a while now. Outcomes have been positive. I will be sharing more details of setting up a program at the conference.
Kevin Arnold RN, MSN
I would love this information also. I am needing to start an educational process at my facility including a policy, procedure and protocol. [email protected]. Thanks!
Your email address responded wit a delivery failure.
Kevin Arnold RN, MSN
Please try [email protected]. Thanks!!!
Any information would help. I can't see reinventing the wheel and AVA is the professional source for evidenced based practice.
I am in Northern Virginia, [email protected]. I am Cardio Invascive Specialties Clinical Coordinator at INOVA Heart & Vascular Institute, Loudoun Campus, INOVA Loudoun Hospital, Suite 120, 44035 Riverside Parkway, Leesburg, Virginia, 20176, Off. 703-858-8626, Fax 703-858-8670.
Thanks a million,
Comapny: best router
Please try [email protected]. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks!!!!
Any information would help. I can't see reinventing the wheel and AVA is the professional source for evidenced based practice.
I am in Northern Virginia, [email protected]. I am Cardio Invascive Specialties Clinical Coordinator at INOVA Heart & Vascular Institute, Loudoun Campus, INOVA Loudoun Hospital, Suite 120, 44035 Riverside Parkway, Leesburg, Virginia, 20176, Off. 703-858-8626, Fax 703-858-8670.
Thanks a million,
Hello Kevin,
I would greatly value your information, ppt,policy, competency and example videos. Could you email Me/ [email protected]
I would really appreciate any information you could send me.
Thank You Kathy Pruitt PICC RN
[email protected]
Could I please also receive the info that everyone else is asking about?
My e-mail address is: [email protected]
Maria J. Kendric RN, VA-BC
My opinion on starting an peripheral IV using ultrasound is that it is an advanced practice skill for those that have used the ultrasound for venipunture for several years. I would not recommend teaching this to new ultrasound users. There is no standards for this as far as I know.
Denelle Oliveros RN, CRNI
Nurse Manager
University Option Care
Columbus, Ohio
If possible could I also have the information, [email protected]
I would like that information as well if possible. We have been asked at times to educate floor staff on use of the sonosite for PIV insertion in difficult starts. [email protected]
~Laura Bess BSN, RN, CRNI~
To Ann Armstrong I would love to have that info too. My email address is [email protected]. Thanks for sharing! Vickey
Hi Kevin,
Please add me to your growing list of nurses asking for information!
[email protected]
Thanks for sharing.
I am establishing this ultrasound guided PIV program for ICU nurses. Anyone has policy and procedure as well as competency checklist to share, so that I could incorperate and apply to my facility? Please be kind forwarding the documents to [email protected]. I am also a PICC nurse in California. By the way, anyone attends AVA annual conference this year? Thank you for your generosity and valuable knowledge.
Sutheera Tretriluxana, RN
I am helping to train a new IV team in my hospital. I would like to teach them U/S guided PIVs. Do you use the longitudinal veiw and could I get that info too?
Matt Gibson RN, CRNI, VA-BC
THe Heart Hospital
Deaconess Health Systems
Newburgh , IN
I am helping to train a new IV team in my hospital. I would like to teach them U/S guided PIVs. Do you use the longitudinal veiw and could I get that info too?
Matt Gibson RN, CRNI, VA-BC
THe Heart Hospital
Deaconess Health Systems
Newburgh , IN
Sorry I forgot my email or you can give me a call
Matt Gibson RN, CRNI, VA-BC
THe Heart Hospital
Deaconess Health Systems
Newburgh , IN
I believe I sent out to all of the recent requests...just let me know if you didnt get my email.
Kevin Arnold RN, MSN
Would also appreciate any information [email protected] TY
Please forward your information to me also. This is something we do but I am always hopfull we can improve our practices. [email protected]
Rose Galyan RN, BSN, CRNI
Speciality Practice Nurse
Vascular Access Team
Indiana University Hospital Bloomington
[email protected]