I would like to survey the forum. We have been asked to find out the following:
These questions pertain only to nurse or RN vascular/PICC teams.
1. Does your hospital provide 7 day a week vascular/picc team coverage?
2. Does your PICC team provide 24 hour a day coverage?
3. Does your facility consider PICC lines to be an emergent or stat procedure?
4. Does your Vascular/PICC team place non tunnelled CVC's in either the Interal or external jugular ?
5. Does anyone know of or have a Vascular team who places tunnelled CVC's?
6. Please indicate the name & size of your facility & whether or not it is a trauma center.
If you would like you can forward your responses directly to me. [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your participation!
1. Does your hospital provide 7 day a week vascular/picc team coverage?
We offer 7 day a week coverage. M-F 7a to 6p, weekends 9-5, No holidays
2. Does your PICC team provide 24 hour a day coverage?
We offer 7 day a week coverage. M-F 7a to 6p, weekends 9-5, No holidays
3. Does your facility consider PICC lines to be an emergent or stat procedure?
No we do not consider PICC placement to be emergent. There are situations where the patients history and condition complel us to place an emergent line - these are very infrequent.
4. Does your Vascular/PICC team place non tunnelled CVC's in either the Interal or external jugular ?
Yes, we place non-tunneled CVC's via the IJ, subclavian/axillary, and femoral veins (arterial lines as well).
5. Does anyone know of or have a Vascular team who places tunnelled CVC's?
I have heard of someone in Northern California. I am currently working on getting this approved in my facility.
6. Please indicate the name & size of your facility & whether or not it is a trauma center.
Kaiser Permanente
San Diego Medical Center
Approx 380 beds
Not a trauma center
I can't recommend this advancement of practice highly enough. Though, placing centrally placed catheters is not for everyone. Exceptional training and mentoring is paramount to the success and safety of this program.
Responded to your questions to your e-mail listed
Sent to you e-mail account....Please share results
Mon-Fri 730am-530pm then call till11pm
Sat and Sun call from7am to 11pm
Yes to emergent
We have one RN who places CVCs in internal jugular
No to tunneled
90 bed non teaching facility
Darla Tarvin RN VA-BC
Mercy Clermont Hospital
1. Does your hospital provide 7 day a week vascular/picc team coverage? Yes 365
2. Does your PICC team provide 24 hour a day coverage? No 6:30am - 11:00pm
3. Does your facility consider PICC lines to be an emergent or stat procedure? Yes, we place in the ED and ICUs regularly.
4. Does your Vascular/PICC team place non tunnelled CVC's in either the Interal or external jugular ? Not yet.
5. Does anyone know of or have a Vascular team who places tunnelled CVC's? No
6. Please indicate the name & size of your facility & whether or not it is a trauma center. Not a trauma center.
Mercy General Hospital Sacramento CA
250 beds
Darilyn Cole, RN CRNI VA-BC
Darilyn Cole, RN, CRNI, VA-BC
PICC Team Mercy General Hospital Sacramento, CA
1. No, they work Monday thru Friday
2. No, we cover 0880-1800
3. No emergent, some urgent. With the delay in tip confirmation, there is no such thing as an emergency PICC. As for urgent, they are almost all urgent and placed the day we get the order.
4. No we have not begun placing any other type of central line.
5. No, and I am not sure it is even within our scope of practice in the state of Maryland.
6. We are a community facility - 255 beds, Level II Trauma center.
1. Monday - Friday, no hospital holidays.
2. Approximately 7 am - 7:30 pm
3. Sometimes urgent if we can.
4. Not yet.
5. No
6. SSM St Joseph Health Center St Charles, MO approx 250 beds, Trauma II center
hours of operation:
Vascular Access Team: PIV Monday thru Friday: 7 AM to midnight
Saturday and Sunday 9 AM to 9 PM
PICC Monday thru Friday: 7 AM to 7 PM
All MDs consider their patient to be urgent.
We triage, check labs and appropriate location for placement 2/2 pediatrics. Sedation is often needed to maintain sterile field either thru the sedation unit or OR.
We are comfortable placing EJ, " assist " with IJ and Femoral but not cuffed PICCs. IR places cuffed PICCs
I do not know of other hospitals RN PICC teams that place tunnelled, cuffed PICCs
240 bed pediatric trauma center
Moira McErlean