Does anyone have any literature on how long it takes to be completely profiecient in using the ultrasound to insert PICC lines?
I have heard anywhere from 6 months to 1 year, but I dont have any literature on that.I work in an outpatient infusion center where we also place lines for hospital patients we dont place that many because up until now we referred alot of pt's to IR
So I am telling adminstration using the ultrasound and being proficent at it will not happen over night
I don't think there is any real data published on this question. I have heard that about 50 successful insertions are needed to be truly competent with the procedure. So this will not happen quickly.
Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, BC, CRNI
Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI
Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.
PO Box 10
Milner, GA 30257
Office Phone 770-358-7861