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Scrub the Hub!

How long?  5 seconds? 10 seconds?  15 seconds?  I read in some recent study that 10 seconds was not enough and that 15 was best and I can not find this study.  Can anyone help? I have the Kaler/Chin article already.  Thank you.

I attended the 5th Decennial

I attended the 5th Decennial International Conference on Healthcare Associated Infections last week sponsored by CDC, SHEA, IDSA and APIC. There were no presentations on this at all, but there were several posters emphasizing 15 seconds and 30 seconds. Dr. Bill Jarvis gave a presentation emphasizing 15 seconds based on 2 studies. One my Menyhay and Maki which showed that 3-5 seconds is not sufficient and the Kaler/Chin study which showed that 15 seconds with either IPA or CHG/IPA was sufficient. That is all there is right now. Naomi O'Grady, principal author of the CDC guidelines suggested that all antiseptics would be included for cleaning needleless connectors. I have also heard grapevine material that the length of time that were going to include in the guidelines was still in discussion. She did say that the document would state to "scrub" rather than the current word "wipe". Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

Glad to hear that

Thank you very much for the info.  When I saw the draft guidelines from the CDC, one of the comment I sent was exactly that: change wipe for scrub.

France Paquet, M.Sc.

CNS, respirology

France Paquet, RN, MSC, VA-BC(TM), CVAA(c)
Clinical Practice Consultant, IV therapy and Vascular Access
Transition support office
McGill University Health Center
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

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