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Cliff Waters
NICU specific IV Line Decision Tree/Algorthym/Policies
We are seeking NICU specific IV Line Decision tree / Algorythm / Policies, hoping this would possibly include GA or birth wt.  Hoping to develop decision tree that would enable NICU patients to recieve appropriate VAD to reduce/prevent IV complications.
Anne Marie Frey
We just bought the new NANN

We just bought the new NANN guidlelines for PICC insertion which are excellent and have great recommendations for when to use a PICC vs. peripheral IV in neonates.  They are available at and are in the range of $60.  Also, look on Medline for articles by Janet Pettit, who writes a lot of great evidenced based info about neonatal access.  Janet is a co-author of the PICC guidelines and also, the IV chapter we wrote in the INS textbook that just came out.

Anne Marie Frey RN, BSN, CRNI

Clinical Nurse Level Four

Vascular Access Service: I.V. Team

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Anne Marie Frey RN, BSN, CRNI, VA-BC Clinical Expert Vascular Access Service: I.V. Team The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia [email protected]

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