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New members to team

We have never had new members to our team until now.  Just trying to get a guideline for how long they should be with a trained member etc.  Since this is new to us we haven't had to orient before and we are extremely in need of nurses to work independently.  Any suggestions on best way to get them up and going and at what point do they start to work alone or with each other (2 of them).  Thanks!

I gave a presentation on this

I gave a presentation on this at INS last May. there really is no way that anyone from outside can tell you what will work best for your situation. All teams are different in the services they provide. Plus the time for each person will not depend on a certain number of procedures performed with supervision. Your goal is to document the competency of each person. This requires measuring their knowledge, ability to make critical thinikng decisions, and psychomotor skills. Determine where each person is now by previous experience and testing. Then have them perform identified skills in a simualted setting. Use cases to create a specific scenario. This is all about practice, practice, practice on anatomical models but not each other. Then a period of supervised clinical practice with a preceptor until they can safely perform. Again, there is no specific number of times a procedure is done to say one is competent. Use a detailed check list or a global rating scale. One perform may perform after performing 2 or 3 successful procedures while others may take a lot more. Work with your staff development dept to create an orientation program. The Joint Commission is going to be looking for competency documentation, not a length of time in an orientation period. See INS Standard on Competency. Lynn

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

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