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Inclusion and Exclusion criteria needed for picc insertions.

Hi, We are getting a physician champion to facilitate our Picc insertions and picc cut off times.  He is a critical care md that unfortunately has been one of the major pains regarding ordering piccs on pts that really do not meet the criteria we presently have .  I am trying to obtain as much information from various hospitals regarding their policies.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  We are also going to revamp our Picc ordering sheet to include cath-flo.  If anyone would like to share their policies and picc order sheet, I will welcome it with open arms. 

\My e-mail is  [email protected]




At our hospital the Picc

At our hospital the Picc nurses are having a discussion concerning the correct placement of the tip of the Picc catheter. Could we have some feedback as to whether it should be in the lower SVC/cavioatrial. Or is is ok to leave it in the Right atrium?

mamirhekmat R.N. C.R.N.I.

cavo-atrial junction is
cavo-atrial junction is optimal, lower to mid svc is ok, not atrium


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