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heparin flush concentrations

I am surveying various pediatric heme/onc hospitals to find out what dosages of  heparin or normal saline are used to flush PICC, broviac and ports in the hospital setting and in home care .  At UCSF Children's Hospital,  we are using 20 units for PICC and broviacs once a day and 500 units for ports once a day if accessed.  Groshong PICC flushed with 5 cc normal saline.    Any comments appreciated.

Angela Lee
We use 10 u hep/ml (2 ml)
We use 10 u hep/ml (2 ml)  for all our central catheters except the port which we increase to 100 u/ml and use 3 ml on discharge only, otherwise it is also 10 u (3 ml).
The Flushing Protocol cards

The Flushing Protocol cards from INS state that 10 units per mL can be used on adults for all types of CVCs, plus there are more specific peds information. The only time that 100 units per mL is recommended is when de-accessing an implanted port. 


Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway, M.Ed., RN, NPD-BC, CRNI

Lynn Hadaway Associates, Inc.

PO Box 10

Milner, GA 30257


Office Phone 770-358-7861

Hey Lynn, I have the cards

Hey Lynn,

I have the cards but need the resources (we are considering changing to 10 unit/ml form 100 unit/ml) but need the resources used to come up with that.


 Ann Marie 

Ann Marie Parry RN CRNI

[email protected]

Ann Marie Parry, RN, CRNI, VA-BC

[email protected]

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