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barbara bonito
microclave connector

Is anyone using the microclave neutral displacement connector?  We're currenently using the Rymed invision plus and are considering changing to the microclave?  Has anyone currently using it having any problems?   Thanks for any input you can give me.  Barbara

We currently use the
We currently use the microclave. We have a relatively high number of occlusions. Otherwise we are content with the product. We do have a zero CRBSI rate with the product. We have considered the RyMed product and I was inpressed by the flat surface. If you do not mind sharing, What types of problems are you having with the RyMed product? You may email me directly if you do not wish to explain on this forum. Thanks,  [email protected]

Caleb Kent, RN, BSN, CRNI

What kind of issues are you
What kind of issues are you having with the InVision Plus? We are using it in our hospital and you may contact me [email protected] to discuss your issues.

Angelo M. Aguila, MSN, RN, VA-BC
Vascular Access Nurse
[email protected]

We currently use the

We currently use the Microclave at the Children's hospital and the Rymed at the Adult hospital. We had some problems at the onset (can you say learning curve)  but to date both seem to be working well.


Jeffery Fizer RN, BSN

 We used the Microclave for

 We used the Microclave for over a year.  Whether or not it is truly a neutral displacement valve is debatable.  We experienced frequent occlusions which I thought was due to poor technique by the staff.  We switched to the Maxplus Clear over a year ago and our occlusion problems nearly disappeared. 

Jerry Bartholomew RN, BSN, CRNI

VA Medical Center, Spokane, WA

Jerry Bartholomew RN, MSN, CRNI

VA Medical Center, Spokane, WA

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