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Vascular Access Education

We are excited to announce our introductory class called Building Blocks of Vascular Access. This class is intended for frontline nursing staff who manage vascular access devices (VADs). We invite all registered nurses from acute care settings, SNFs, visiting nurses to join us and update their knowledge and skills in managing patients with VADs. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Angelo M. Aguila, MSN, RN, VA-BC

President and CEO

Calnurse Education Systems, Inc.




Will you have this on video

Will you have this on video for those of us who don't live near to utilize. I would love to use it as an education tool.

Debbie Graham BSN, RN, CRNI, VA-BC


"It takes many people to make a team, but only one to break it" --A. R. R. Tripp

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